Anything about Hebe Tien Fu Zhen – Videos, Photos, Articles and more!
Part 3… (Click to open in new window) My Love… [Translate]
Part 2…. Hebe with Ella Hebe plays drumstick and tambourine… Hebe with Tian Bon 🙂 [Translate]
Enjoy the photos 🙂 Hebe plays piano… Hebe with Ella… Hebe on stage… Hebe with confetti… Hebe plays tambourine… Hebe kiss… Hebe lays down… [Translate]
Below are some photos of Hebe taken during the S.H.E Is The One HK Concert (2009), enjoy ! [Translate]
Welcome To HebeTien.Com, dedicated to share the latest news about S.H.E Hebe and other S.H.E members (Selina and Ella). The information here are compiled from different sources, so if you have the latest Hebe or S.H.E related information, please feel free to contact me at Enjoy your stay here!